IQGeo blog

SCTE visitors favour new solutions to address core telecoms challenges

The IQGeo telecoms team were out in force for the recent SCTE ISBE Cable Tec Expo in New Orleans this October. As we spoke to visitors to our booth, listened to workshops and networked with delegates, we were struck by their move away from traditional methods in their search for new and innovative ways to address some of the industry’s core challenges. In our conversations with visitors, we identified five key challenges.

  1. The strategic role of mobile solutions
  2. Poor quality field data
  3. The need for product consolidation
  4. Managing network upgrades
  5. Cutting operating costs


1. Need for mobile solutions that meet day-to-day operational requirements

Field technicians are often spending an inordinate amount of time on the phone, trying to find the information they need to complete their work. The ability to have this data available as part of their operational view is recognized as an incredibly valuable tool that would deliver huge efficiencies across the business.


2. Lack of reliable and up-to-date data in the field

Poor data quality is one of the reasons that many companies are experiencing difficulty in deploying a mobile solution, poor data compromises field adoption. Making data accessible to field workers in real-time is key to developing an effective mobile-first solution that can improve productivity and collaboration between the office and field.  


3. Too many complex products offerings

The complexity and number of products being deployed, as well as speed increases for data, are creating huge headaches for telecoms network providers. There was a lot of interest in having a solution like IQGeo’s geospatial platform to consolidate multiple data sources in a single view. This approach empowers a technician to work effectively out of one application, rather than swiveling through a number of products and dashboards with disjointed data sets.


4. Network upgrades (new Architecture deployments)

Major network upgrades require many complex processes that must be accessed and worked on by numerous departments. Managing these upgrades effectively is virtually impossible without a high-level joined up view and agreed common processes. 


5. Cutting operational costs and the need to do more with less

There is widespread industry pressure to spend less and find more efficient ways to support network operations. From flat or reduced headcount, to finding alternatives for expensive hardware that quickly becomes obsolete with the rapid evolvement in technology. Organizations must find ways to work smarter.


Looking to innovation

The need to improve operational efficiency is constantly driving telecommunications companies as they search for new innovative solutions to legacy problems. At SCTE we saw a new realization that traditional approaches and solutions are no longer fit for purpose in a rapidly changing and increasing complex network environment. The telecoms community is searching for new solutions that approach these difficult challenges from a different direction.

This change in attitude from the telecoms industry means that it’s an exciting time for IQGeo. As one of the world’s most innovative geospatial software providers, we are already helping some of the largest telecoms operators meet the challenges of todays’ realities. Our open, mobile-first architecture takes a radically different approach. Our customers are accelerating collaboration and streamlining their operational processes using any device, whether in the office or in the field. We’re helping network operators meet their digital transformation ambitions with geospatial software that takes an innovative reality-centric approach. Working smarter by solving problems a different way is the only real answer to the challenges we face.


Visit IQGeo’s mobile-first geospatial platform and applications to find out how you transform your network operations.