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Network Manager Electric - Insight edition

Key features and capabilities for the Insight edition of Network Manager Electric.


Electric grid management software 

The Insight edition of Network Manager Electric gives you a packaged, accurate, network model management solution that enables you to document, update, manage, and share network asset data across the organization at a cost-effective price point. The Insight edition is designed for electric grids and is best suited for small utilities. 

Insight edition – key benefits

  • A packaged solution based on industry best practices  
  • Deploy within hours instead of days  
  • Minimal IT support to start running the solution  
  • Accurately document and manage your network now and into the future 

Street view of design

Network Manager Electric makes it easy to create and view design areas, such as this street view.

Comprehensive network assets

Field users can easily understand the locations of transmission lines, segments, proposed design features and more.

Flexible grid modeling

Intuitively create new asset connections with a hierarchical view of your grid.

Superior usability

Empower field crews with an easy-to-use solution that enables them to update designs from any field location.

Ready to learn more?

Network Manager Electric is the foundation for IQGeo’s Adaptive Grid, enabling utilities to easily realize value from network data and flexibly model any grid scenario. To see all the capabilities and features of the Insight edition, please see our editions matrix and Frequently Asked Questions